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Treasury of the Siphnians / Trésor des Siphniens
SD 122

Restoration drawings of the Siphnian Treasury by Erik Hansen (1987)
Remains of the Siphnian Treasury on the archaeological site
(most of the material is displayed in the museum)
Graphic restoration drawings of the Siphnian Treasury (then identified as "Cnidian treasury")
Albert Tournaire (1900)
​The Treasury had been dedicated to Apollo by the inhabitants of Siphnos, in order to thank the god for the discovery of Gold mines on the island.
The story has been transmitted by historian Herodotus and traveller Pausanias.
At the same time (around 525 BC), Siphnians suffered from attacks of the pirates from Samos.
This could explain the presence of caryatids and rosettes, two motifs which have funeral signification in ancient Greece.
Anyhow, it was one of the first buildings enterely made of marble, and maybe the most luxurious offering in Delphi.
Old photographs : cast and presentation in the older museums of Delphi and Louvre
Two pieces of the decorated cornice of the Treasury
Polychromy of the different mouldings of the entablature (Erik Hansen)
kymation lesbique
egg-and-darts of the architrave
Caryatide et encadrement de la porte (musée de Delphes)
Caryatide et encadrement de la porte (musée de Delphes)
West side of the Treasury (E. Hansen)
Pediment and frieze of the West side (rear)
frieze of the North side
frieze of the South side

3D reconstruction of the treasury of the Siphnians. @2020. Model: John Goodinson. Scientific advisor: Professor Elena C. Partida.

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