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Antony Van Dyck, Portrait of Sofonisba Anguissola (1624)

The Chess Game (1555)
The Chess Game, 1555

Portrait des Sœurs et Frères de l'Artiste

Self Portrait with Bernardino Campi (1550)

Self-portrait at the Easel Painting a Devotional Panel (1556)



Self Portrait at the Clavichord, with female servant, 1561

Self-portrait, 1610

Portrait of the Infanta Catherine Michelle duchess of Savoy (1595)

Don Carlos son of the King Philip II (a. 1561), Madrid, Prado Museum

Portrait of Philip II of Spain (1565)


Portrait of Bianca Ponzoni (a. 1558)

Portrait of Alessandro Farnese (a. 1562)

Family portrait (1559)

Portrait of Massimiliano Stampa (1557)

Asdrubale Bitten by a Crawfish
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